Report: Case studies on how local councils are acting on climate


In the face of all the climate and nature issues that confront us, it's often easy to wonder 'what can be done?' at local level. Well, the answer is actually - quite a lot! 

Friends of the Earth partnered with climate change charity Ashden to produce a series of case studies of programmes and projects that local councils have undertaken and delivered on and they are a brilliantly uplifting read.  Locally, it's great to see Barnsley's pioneering community energy scheme tackled fuel poverty included and the great work undertaken by NE Derbyshire council on retrofit programmes for their social housing. You can also learn about:
  • how Hackney boosts access to green spaces for less wealthy residents,
  • how Leeds uses sustainable food to help schools combat the climate crisis,
  • how Nottingham used a parking levy to cut congestion and raise millions 
  • how Hull co-designed flood defences with residents 

and many, many more. Peruse the 40+ reports using the link below. There's a searchable list and each case study is briskly described, with links to follow for more information. 

How local councils are acting on climate