Recording of: 'How to Finish with Fast Fashion' online event (plus resource links)

 On Monday February 28th Sheffield Friends of the Earth and Rotherham Climate Action joined forces to offer an online event 'How to FINISH with Fast Fashion'. 

Helen shared some quick facts about why fast fashion is so bad for the planet, then Izzy took us along her journey from regular fast fashion shopper to a sustainable one. Finally,they jointly gave some top tips for action.

All of this is available on the YouTube video Watch the session here!

And for additional support on your own journey, Izzy has listed here 👇🏽 some very useful websites (thanks, Izzy!) 

Sustainable clothing 

1. Vinted   this is an app/website where you can sell and buy clothes, giving pre-loved fashion a second life


2. Depop similar to Vinted but a much wider variety in terms of what you can buy on there. 



3. Lucy and Yak a british brand that sells ethical clothing



4.  Pact  an american brand that sells sustainable women’s underwear 



5. girlfriend collective an american brand that makes sportswear from recycled materials 



6. Christiana a British slow fashion brand, that designs clothes in sustainable and ethical ways 



7. Olio an app where people can give away household items to their neighbours for free


8. Freecycle a non-profit that allows people to get and share things for free in their own towns. 


9.  Facebook Marketplace  - can buy and sell items 


Learning resources

1. Waterbear a free video on demand platform that only shows environmental documentaries


2. Good On You app which rates fashion brands to help the consumer to identify which brands are the most ethical and sustainable


3. an Independent article



4. Fashion Revolution This event happens every year surrounding the 24th April, the date of the anniversary of the 2013 Rana Plaza collapse. the aim of the event is to educate and  inspire to the fashion community to become more ethical and sustainable





ecoegg laundry egg This is a replacement for laundry detergent and fabric conditioner but works without the use of harmful  chemicals