Notes from Sheffield FoE Local Group meeting - 15th November 2021 by Zoom
Attendees: Lindy S (chair), Liddy G, Shaun R, Izzy P, Helen F, Claire B , Cliff E, Maggie E, Beverley B, Rob N, Sandra B.
Apologies: Duncan F, Richard S, Sarah S, Nick J
Introductions and general update – We discussed responses to COP26 and the relationship between national FoE and Sheffield (as a local group), and the local Climate Action Groups
Sheffield events for COP26 – Lindy and colleagues provided an update on all the local activity including the videos we made and circulated on social media , the banner drop on Nov 1st (first day of COP26) and march on 6 November in Sheffield as part of the Global Day of Action on Climate Justice.
Glasgow report from COP26 –A number of FoE members were there but Global South members were underrepresented due to travel/Covid issues and their countries not always well represented in the main events and negotiations. Sandra reported on the five days she had spent there, including some sessions in the Green Zone which were informative and energising. Lindy was in Glasgow for just two days & attended a number of events and shared her experience on Radio Sheffield – see her blog on the website for more information.
Sandra B raised some of the national and international economic policy and legal levers, Rob and Helen raised some of the local and individual actions that can influence commercial decisions in terms of what we buy and how we share our reasons with friends and family. We also discussed the ways to share information via both social media and the press and broadcast media. Current awareness of the issues and awareness of what individuals can do is very variable within the community and we had a very productive discussion of the wide range of actions individuals can take including community action.
What shall we do next?
Working with the council and local press – we need to think about opportunities to press Sheffield City Council to show leadership with local policies. We discussed linking national priorities to local issues that makes it easier to engage local communities. There are also opportunities to work with South Yorkshire Climate Action and the Y&H Climate Commission who are working to a large extent on adaptation and mitigation as well as reducing risk of warming. Drax power station is another important local issue, that we are campaigning on.
Working nationally with FoE - To find out more about national actions, you can join the ‘After COP’ webinar on 23 November. We can also use our action guide to get more information on the action, help you come up with ideas for your own, and get helpful resources. They have some specific campaigns which were discussed at the October meeting including challenging the UK government’s decision to provide financial support for a liquified natural gas (LNG) project in Mozambique. On 7 December Friends of the Earth is taking the government to court over this.
A monthly “challenge” – the proposal is to identify simple individual actions we can promote. Suggestions including ethical/environmental investments/Savings and bank account; contacting supermarkets about impact on fridge doors in reducing emissions. FIRST CHALLENGE: Add an extra ‘no-meat’ day to your week. (If already veggie - no dairy; if vegan - shop locally).
Helen shared some useful links to recipes and vegan eateries.
Vegan recipe to recommend Vegan sun dried tomato pasta recipe
Good meat substitutes: Sausages - Linda rosemary sausages; Burger - Beyond meat burger; Chicken - Jackfrruit Vegan places to eat out at in Sheffield ; Make no bones, Church - Temple of Fun, Kommune/Cutlery Works
Other suggestions for monthly challenge: only buy second-hand clothes; consider environmental/ethical banking/savings
You can also see a video of the Simple Steps event here
Further action on our 'no peat compost'petition to local retailers – We still need to share the petition and use to influence local suppliers. Small group to meet to discuss this (volunteers sought!)
Supporter numbers: current database and social media followers continues to grow: Database 476 (+12 in the month) Twitter 753 (+ 32) Facebook 652 (+2)
National/Regional Friends of the Earth sessions and events
To get a regular regional update sign up to receive it directly to your inbox. sign up here
Dates for the diary – anyone can apply for these
Tuesday 16 November – Drax campaign planning session – contact Simon Bowens, regional coordinator for details
Thursday 18 November – Welcome webinar for activists new to the Climate Action campaign sign up to welcome webinar for activists new to climate action
Tuesday 23 November - After COP: Keeping Momentum, Learning and Reflecting After COP: what next?
Thursday 25 November – Yorkshire network get-together Yorkshire network meet up
Wednesday 1 December - Mozambique MP Action workshop Mozambique campaign: MP action
Next Local Group Meeting – 7:30pm on 20 December 2021 – Covid allowing, we will plan a meeting at the Showroom or similar venue (close to station/transport links) instead of (or as well as) via Zoom