Safeguarding guidance for Friends of the Earth groups
At Friends of the Earth we believe that everyone has the right to live free from abuse of any kind, and that everyone should feel safe when participating in group activities. We all have a legal responsibility to do everything we can to keep children and vulnerable adults safe and to report any concerns we have about their welfare. Full details of the safeguarding policy can be found here
Creating a safer space: What is a safer space?
A safer space is a supportive, non-threatening environment that encourages open-mindedness, respect and a willingness to learn from others, as well as physical safety and mental wellbeing. It is inclusive and responds to the needs of people who face any type of discrimination including because of their race, disability, gender, gender identity, heritage, nationality, neurodiversity, sexuality, class, political affiliation, religion or belief and migration status. Safer spaces enable all group members and event participants to fully engage, build trust, and give their best to the work of campaigning. They are vital to ensuring that all voices are heard equally within our movement. Full details