The Time is Now
The mass lobby of Parliament on 26 June was well attended (12,000 people) and there was an opportunity to meet up with our local MPs including Clive Betts and Louise Haigh.

Picture Source: Richard Souter
Sheffield City Council
Richard and Beatrice on behalf of Sheffield Friends of the Earth, with Rachel from Sheffield Climate Alliance, had a meeting with Sheffield City Council councillors and officers regarding the climate emergency.
The Sheffield City Council Climate Emergency debate was held on Wed 3 July the Tyndall Centre report was presented with specific targets for Sheffield. Hope for the Future were also present. There is some concern that actions are urgent and the introduction of a Citizens’ Assembly could introduce further delay to some actions.

Picture source:
Climate Strikes
There is a meeting on 24 July at Quaker Meeting House (Richard and June attending) to discuss the schools strike on 20 Sept.
National FoE tree campaign webinar update was briefly discussed– the overall aim is to double tree cover.
The mass lobby of Parliament on 26 June was well attended (12,000 people) and there was an opportunity to meet up with our local MPs including Clive Betts and Louise Haigh.

Picture Source: Richard Souter
Sheffield City Council
Richard and Beatrice on behalf of Sheffield Friends of the Earth, with Rachel from Sheffield Climate Alliance, had a meeting with Sheffield City Council councillors and officers regarding the climate emergency.
The Sheffield City Council Climate Emergency debate was held on Wed 3 July the Tyndall Centre report was presented with specific targets for Sheffield. Hope for the Future were also present. There is some concern that actions are urgent and the introduction of a Citizens’ Assembly could introduce further delay to some actions.

Picture source:
Climate Strikes
There is a meeting on 24 July at Quaker Meeting House (Richard and June attending) to discuss the schools strike on 20 Sept.
National FoE tree campaign webinar update was briefly discussed– the overall aim is to double tree cover.