Anti-Fracking Training

Anti-Fracking training - "Know your Rights" on Saturday 3rd March from 10.00 am to 2.00pm at The Wesley Centre, Blyth Road, Maltby, Rotherham S66 8JD

Green and Black Cross will be running a ‘Know Your Rights’ workshop which aims to give anti-fracking campaigners the knowledge to combat repressive police tactics commonly used against protesters.

Topics covered:
  1. Our Key Messages: The most important thing you can take with you on a protest.
  2. Police Tactics and Private Security: Who are these police liaison teams and what is their role
  3. Stop and Search: Understand the limits of what the police can search for and learn how to resist information gathering techniques used by officers.
  4. What happens when I’m arrested?: Your first arrest is always going to be difficult experience. We take you through the process and your rights in custody, to prepare you for the experience should it arise.
  5. Laws commonly used against protesters: We’ll put you in the shoes of a police officer on the hunt to make some arrests.
There are 30 free places which are open to anti-fracking campaigners. Please contact Richard Souter by email with the 4 key pieces of information specified below:
  1. Your name.
  2. Contact phone number for last minute updates/changes.
  3. The anti-fracking group you belong to.
  4. The name of the course: "Know your Rights".
Refreshments will be available but participants should bring their own lunch.

Anti-Fracking training “Legal Observer” on Saturday 10th March training from 10.00 am to 5.00pm at St Andrew's United Reformed Church, Upper Hanover Street, Sheffield S3 7RQ

Green and Black Cross will be running a “Legal Observers” workshop which is an essential part of the support provided at protests. Whether handing out key advice on bust cards, or finding witnesses for arrests, legal observers help to ensure that people protesting against fracking don’t face the legal system alone.

Topics covered:
  1. Police tactics
  2. Stop & Search law & procedure
  3. Arrestee support
  4. Police ranks & command structure
  5. How to provide good witnesses and nail inappropriate policing
  6. How to get more involved with GBC
There are 30 free places which are open to anti-fracking campaigners. Please contact Richard Souter by email with the 4 key pieces of information specified below:
  1. Your name.
  2. Contact phone number for last minute updates/changes.
  3. The anti-fracking group you belong to.
  4. The name of the course: "Legal Observers".
Refreshments will be available but participants should bring their own lunch.