Our group's AGM was postponed from April due to the clash with the Easter holidays
John is stepping down as the group's co-ordinator after a busy and interesting year. The group agreed to split the role and responsibilities of the coordinator for 2017-2018. Shaun will be the email contact and will put together the agenda; other members will rotate responsibility for chairing meetings and taking notes.
At our next meeting on Monday 19th June David will hold the role of the chair and Liddy will take notes. Shaun will circulate the agenda a week before the meeting.
Our Treasurer reported that we have £1309.20 in accumulated funds and have spent £128.16 (on stalls, toner and Facebook ads). Income (from standing orders and donations) was £110.50. Liddy is happy to continue as Treasurer and this was agreed by the Group. The annual accounts can be found below:
John is stepping down as the group's co-ordinator after a busy and interesting year. The group agreed to split the role and responsibilities of the coordinator for 2017-2018. Shaun will be the email contact and will put together the agenda; other members will rotate responsibility for chairing meetings and taking notes.
At our next meeting on Monday 19th June David will hold the role of the chair and Liddy will take notes. Shaun will circulate the agenda a week before the meeting.
Our Treasurer reported that we have £1309.20 in accumulated funds and have spent £128.16 (on stalls, toner and Facebook ads). Income (from standing orders and donations) was £110.50. Liddy is happy to continue as Treasurer and this was agreed by the Group. The annual accounts can be found below: