Stalls & Film Festival Update - May 2016

Richard still has the gazebo and needs somewhere else to store it. David suggested a waterproof bag so that it can be stored safely in his back garden. Francois is looking to see if he can store it in his outhouse.

The Wortley Hall stall had to be cancelled due to car problems and the gazebo. The cow costume is being held by Jenny Carpenter which Francois will collect.

We need the dates of up and coming stalls and events so that we can plan. These are published on our website but we actually need to write them down in our diaries. If you have a Google calendar then you can view it along side your normal diary by selecting Other Calendars > Add a friend's calendar and then pasting the address:

Film Festival
The second part of Festival of Debate starts in September so we need to contact them to organise a slot. Also can we put forward ideas for films so that we can discuss which ones for the next meeting? Can we make sure that the dates don’t clash with the workshop for TTIP?

Dirty Film!
DIRT! The Movie–narrated by Jamie Lee Curtis–brings to life the environmental, economic, social and political impact that the soil has. It shares the stories of experts from all over the world who study and are able to harness the beauty and power of a respectful and mutually beneficial relationship with soil.

Venue: Central United Reformed Church, Norfolk Street, Sheffield S1 2JB
6:30–7:00pm: Global Justice Sheffield AGM
7:00–7:15pm: Refreshments
7:15–8:45pm: Dirt: the movie (a humorous and substantial film about our glorious and unappreciated soil)
8:45–9:30pm: Discussion and participants’ announcements

See link here for more details

Ditch Coal Film & Talk
Our main speaker is Vladimir from Ecodefense, a radical Russian group raising awareness of the plight of indigenous shor and Teleut people living in the Russian coalfields that supply coal to the UK. The Ditch Coal Roadshow will take you back to coal's point of extraction - focussing on the mines in the UK and Russia - and follow it to the UK's coal fired power stations.

The Coal Action Network's own speaker will look at the situation in the UK's opencast mines and power stations and open the discussion about what we can do about the industry.

Come along to find out more and to discuss how you can get involved in ending coal's journey of destruction.

Want to know about the issues now? Download our shocking report into the UK's coal trade.

26 May from 7pm – 9pm. Victoria Hall Methodist Church. Norfolk Street, Sheffield S1 2JB, Sheffield. See Facebook event for more details,