On 7th March anyone who wishes to go on the Time to Act Rally in London should contact Sheffield Climate Alliance to book tickets www.sheffieldclimatealliance.net 07941116353 or sheffieldclimatealliance@gmail.com.
There are banner making and lantern making sessions:
Chapel Walk Wednesday 18 February 7-9 pm
Chapel Walk Saturday 28 February 11.00 - 13.00
It was decided that we should not change the day and time of our meeting so that more of us could go to the Sheffield Climate Alliance meeting. This was due to the fact that we have had this day and time for the past 20 years and also we would not be able to get another suitable day and time with the Red Deer.
There are banner making and lantern making sessions:
Chapel Walk Wednesday 18 February 7-9 pm
Chapel Walk Saturday 28 February 11.00 - 13.00
It was decided that we should not change the day and time of our meeting so that more of us could go to the Sheffield Climate Alliance meeting. This was due to the fact that we have had this day and time for the past 20 years and also we would not be able to get another suitable day and time with the Red Deer.