Councillor Jack Scott has formally asked Beatrice to be a Green Commissioner, representing the environmental groups in Sheffield. The Green Commission will create a vision and blueprint for the future of Sheffield as a whole involving the public, businesses and organisations across our city to shape a vision for a sustainable future for Sheffield. It will sit over several months and collect evidence, both oral and written, as well as holding debates and hearing from expert witnesses. Each session will create a number of recommendations and from this the Commission will produce a final report setting out a range of recommendations. The topics for the remit of the Green Commission include:
1: Communication, engagement, education and behavioural change
2: Sustainable transport including:
5: Climate change
1: Communication, engagement, education and behavioural change
2: Sustainable transport including:
- air quality
- electric vehicles and other low emission vehicles
- Modal shift
- Production (renewables) and supply
- Usage and efficiency
- Domestic, commercial and industrial
- Fuel poverty
- Waste to energy
- Reduce, recycle and re-use (waste hierarchy)
5: Climate change
- Adaptation and resilience
- Fooding and ‘sustainable urban drainage systems’
- Mitigation, emission and carbon reduction
- The natural environment
- Biodiversity
- Green and open spaces
- Including improving public health which cross-cuts through the other six topics