Energy We Can All Afford

During the winter of 2012 a coalition of national organisations including Friends of the Earth,  the Energy Bill Revolution (EBR) coalition, Stop Climate Chaos, the Low Carbon Communities Network and Greenpeace UK are organising a programme of major public meetings on fuel poverty and clean energy.

Energy prices have risen rapidly, chiefly because of our increasing dependence on gas, and millions are trapped in fuel poverty: we need a new and positive approach to this based on energy efficiency and clean sustainable energy.

The campaign has three aims. One is to influence the Energy Bill that will be going through Parliament: the second is to call on the Government to use the money it gets from our carbon taxes to make our homes super-energy efficient – driving down our energy bills forever. The third aim is to boost local interest and engagement with these issues.

The campaign will be ‘Question Time’ style meetings with panels including an MP. This will be a powerful way to link work on energy and cutting carbon with issues around fuel poverty. We want to hear the views of MPs on the UK’s energy future and for them to answer people’s questions.

At our January 2013 meeting it was mentioned that arrangements are still being made for a public meeting about energy and fuel poverty issues. Another venue has to be found as Friday evening is a time more convenient to MPs.  Suggested representatives are a LibDem Cllr, a Labour MP, a FoE speaker, a green energy business and a speaker on fuel poverty.  Friend of the Earth are still trying to get Nick Clegg to attend the meeting.