This summer Sheffield Friends of the Earth organised stalls at Peace in the Park and the Green Fair. We were planning to run a stall at the Wood Fair but it was cancelled due to funding difficulties suffered by the organisers. We were also planning to run a stall at the Norfolk Park festival on the August Bank Holiday but we didn't have enough volunteers to man a stall.
A few people from our group will be running a stall at the UKEconet conference at Sheffield Hallam University on 15th - 17th September. We are not expecting to teach the delegates anything new but we are hoping to recruit more active members to our group.
The Peace and Craft Fair has been booked for November where we will try selling low priced environmental Films for £5. We should make a small profit on these DVDs but the main reason for selling them is to get the message across to people. The films we are planning to sell include Who Killed the Electric Car?, The Corporation and The Cove.