Group News: Summer - Autumn 2010

The Red Deer pub is allowing us to host our meetings cost free. Before we were paying £10 per meeting. Despite this saving we do need to raise some funds as the Green Film Festival has cost us a few hundred pounds. We would like to thank all our members who have made donations in the past. Any new donations would be greatly appreciated.

Award For Amyan
Sheffield Friends of the Earth campaigner, Amyan Macfadyen,  scooped a green award from the environmental campaign Care4Air. Amyan has spent three years turning his 140-year-old semi into a perfect example of ecological living by generating his own electricity, heating hot water, collecting rainfall and using a wood burning heating system.

We have seen another increase in the number of people on the SheffieldFOE electronic mailing list. It now stands at 147.  To help us keep members when they attend our meetings we have put together a new information pack.

Our new co-ordinator, Beatrice Greenfield, will be attending the Local Groups’ Annual Conference in September.

Later this year there will be a number of lectures with plenty of time for questions and discussion as part of Plan 2050 Lectures. The 4 lectures  are based around a theme of,  The Economy: Servant or Tyrant?

The Case for Zero Growth
Thursday 14 October:  Chris Brazier: co-editor of New internationalist
Sheffield Cathedral 7:00p.m.

Moving to a No Growth Society
Thursday 21 October: Saamah Abdallah, New Economics Foundation
Cathedral 7:00 p.m.

A Truly Human Economy:
Thursday 11 November: Tarek El Diwany & Bishop Peter Selby.
Christian and Muslim approaches
Town Hall 7:00 p.m.

The Power of Community:
Thursday 18th November: Stephanie Bradley, Transition Towns
Cathedral – Campo Lane entrance
Film showing of ‘The Power of Community’ 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Lecture: 7p.m.

Tickets £3 - concessions £1:50