Friends of the Earth has appointed Andy Atkins as our new Executive Director. He will leave his current post as Policy and Campaigns Director of relief and development charity Tearfund to join Friends of the Earth in late June, before replacing Tony Juniper as Executive Director later in the summer.
The April meeting (Monday 21st) was our AGM where our co-ordinator, Steve Goodacre, was re-elected by the group. Liddy Goyder was also re-elected as the group’s treasurer. We also fed back our opinions to National FoE through the local groups’ questionnaire. We spent about £24 renewing the group’s web domain name for another 2 years
Friends of the Earth Northern Gathering
The FoE Northern Gathering is located in Manchester this year on 24th & 25th May. If you are interested in going contact or
Local Groups’ Conference
This year’s local groups’ Conference is being held at Loughborough University on
12-14 September 2008. More details will be posted later or contact Steve for more information.
Friends of the Earth has appointed Andy Atkins as our new Executive Director. He will leave his current post as Policy and Campaigns Director of relief and development charity Tearfund to join Friends of the Earth in late June, before replacing Tony Juniper as Executive Director later in the summer.
The April meeting (Monday 21st) was our AGM where our co-ordinator, Steve Goodacre, was re-elected by the group. Liddy Goyder was also re-elected as the group’s treasurer. We also fed back our opinions to National FoE through the local groups’ questionnaire. We spent about £24 renewing the group’s web domain name for another 2 years
Friends of the Earth Northern Gathering
The FoE Northern Gathering is located in Manchester this year on 24th & 25th May. If you are interested in going contact or
Local Groups’ Conference
This year’s local groups’ Conference is being held at Loughborough University on
12-14 September 2008. More details will be posted later or contact Steve for more information.