Motor Show 2007

Sheffield Friends of the Earth decided to help green the City Centre Motor Show held on Sunday 5th August in the city centre. Rather than allowing the gas guzzlers to dominate the motor show we gave a vision of hope by joining forces with the WhizzGo car club (see the web site for more details) and the Bio UK Fuels Company which collects used oil from restaurants and converts it into bio diesel (see

Maureen displayed her electric car for the last time as it will shortly be replaced for a new AC model which has a better range for a single charge. Maureen’s future plan is to install photovoltaic solar roof tiles on her new house to power her home and car.

Half way through the event we even had an electric motor bike on display for a few hours. The sun made a rare appearance this year to make the day very pleasant. Despite being a show for petrol heads, we received a number of positive comments about the need for greener cars and sustainable transport.

Thanks to Sarah, Shaun and Maureen for helping out.