Renewable Energy Map
We have created an interactive map on the Sheffield Friends of the Earth web site showing all the renewable energy schemes operating in Sheffield and the surrounding area. The site makes use of Google maps so it can zoom in and out. Please contact Shaun if you know of any green energy generation schemes such as wind, solar, hydro or biomass. To look at the site please visit our web site at
Amyan Macfadyen has been very busy promoting the environment using the media. An article on the BBC’s web site explained the activities Amyan is involved with. He was also featured on Look North and the BBC’s national Politics Show. He has also sent letters to the Sheffield Star and held an open house for people to look at his electricity and hot water generating solar panels.
Living the Cool Life
The Living the Cool Life conference was organised by Sheffield Campaign Against Climate Change (SCACC) and a wide range of other interested people, including the Diocesan Environment Network, Sheffield Friends of the Earth and People and Planet. It was intended as a complement to the Cooling the Planet conference that Al Gore addressed.
The programme for the day included speakers from the national Campaign Against Climate Change and from Sheffield City Council. The event had workshops on global footprints, campaigning, the science of climate change, and visioning Sheffield as a one-planet city in 2030. After lunch, with live music, campaign stalls and children’s activities, there were workshops on 3 main aspects of Sheffield’s footprint: Transport, Energy and Food.
Steve Goodacre from Sheffield Friends of the Earth spoke about the science of climate change in the Understanding Climate Change and Peak Oil workshop. Other speakers explained the issues with Peak Oil. The workshop was chaired by Sheffield FoE’s Liddy Goyder.
No M1 Widening
The No Widening M1 campaign grows as costs escalate. Recent reports from the National Audit Office have now put the cost of the proposed M1 widening at over £5 billion! We are using this to try and get the scheme stopped. Many tram schemes have been scrapped for lesser cost escalations.
We have drafted an Early Day Motion, and are approaching MPs to see if we can get it adopted. If you think you may have a sympathetic MP, please let us know.
No Widening M1, with the Camp for Climate Action, have been involved with some actions against the M1 widening, including shutting down the offices of Jacksons (the contractors for the work between junction 31-32).
The No Widening M1 group has new posters and leaflets to distribute. Please get in touch if you can help.
Wind Farms
A number of group members sent letters to The Highland Council in Scotland supporting a 22 turbine wind farm which, if built would generate 66MW of electricity.
Maureen looked into the wind power project at Penistone which hopes to build 3 turbines. The Campaign to Protect Rural England says the case for renewable energy outweighs objections over the appearance of the scheme on the moors above Penistone. The scheme was given the green light earlier this year and is now waiting clearance by the government.
Sheffield Is My Planet
Whilst Al Gore’s was giving his speech to invited guests, Shaun attended the Sheffield Is My Planet – The Exhibition at the City Hall. The BBC TV weather presenter, Paul Hudson, made the official opening speech. During the day there were over 50 stalls to look at from car clubs, recycling companies, heat pump manufactures and many more.
Carbon Dioxide
A letter was published in the Sheffield Star suggesting that carbon dioxide couldn’t reach the atmosphere as balloons fall to the ground. We sent a follow up letter correcting the science and explaining how carbon dioxide actually gets into the atmosphere.
Maureen responded to a letter from a student inquiring about biomass boilers in the Burngreave area.
Car Club
In previous newsletters we mentioned that Sheffield was planning to setup a car club. Well it actually happened on the 3rd April with an official launch outside the Town Hall. The WhizzGo Car Club is now open for membership applications.
World AIDS Day
Four people from the group attended a vegetarian buffet at an annual World AIDS Day meal at the Blue Moon cafe (next to the Cathedral) on 2 December.
Our membership has started to increase slightly since offering free membership. We now have over 70 people signed up to our email discussion address and a reasonable number of people wanting just the newsletter. In total we are probably distributing the newsletter to about 100 people.
If you know of someone wanting to receive our newsletter and a monthly update then please let us know. If anyone wants to be included on the mailing list to receive more detailed information about the group (about 2/3 emails per week) then please let Shaun know.
Sheffield Green Drinks
Since the re-launch in January Sheffield Green Drinks has been growing at a steady rate. Each month over 30 people from all walks of the Green movement in Sheffield have met for friendly chat and discussion – activists, entrepreneurs, academics and students. If you haven’t made it down this year it would be great to see you. Visit the website at,uk for dates of future events to put in your diary.
We have created an interactive map on the Sheffield Friends of the Earth web site showing all the renewable energy schemes operating in Sheffield and the surrounding area. The site makes use of Google maps so it can zoom in and out. Please contact Shaun if you know of any green energy generation schemes such as wind, solar, hydro or biomass. To look at the site please visit our web site at
Amyan Macfadyen has been very busy promoting the environment using the media. An article on the BBC’s web site explained the activities Amyan is involved with. He was also featured on Look North and the BBC’s national Politics Show. He has also sent letters to the Sheffield Star and held an open house for people to look at his electricity and hot water generating solar panels.
Living the Cool Life
The Living the Cool Life conference was organised by Sheffield Campaign Against Climate Change (SCACC) and a wide range of other interested people, including the Diocesan Environment Network, Sheffield Friends of the Earth and People and Planet. It was intended as a complement to the Cooling the Planet conference that Al Gore addressed.
The programme for the day included speakers from the national Campaign Against Climate Change and from Sheffield City Council. The event had workshops on global footprints, campaigning, the science of climate change, and visioning Sheffield as a one-planet city in 2030. After lunch, with live music, campaign stalls and children’s activities, there were workshops on 3 main aspects of Sheffield’s footprint: Transport, Energy and Food.
Steve Goodacre from Sheffield Friends of the Earth spoke about the science of climate change in the Understanding Climate Change and Peak Oil workshop. Other speakers explained the issues with Peak Oil. The workshop was chaired by Sheffield FoE’s Liddy Goyder.
No M1 Widening
The No Widening M1 campaign grows as costs escalate. Recent reports from the National Audit Office have now put the cost of the proposed M1 widening at over £5 billion! We are using this to try and get the scheme stopped. Many tram schemes have been scrapped for lesser cost escalations.
We have drafted an Early Day Motion, and are approaching MPs to see if we can get it adopted. If you think you may have a sympathetic MP, please let us know.
No Widening M1, with the Camp for Climate Action, have been involved with some actions against the M1 widening, including shutting down the offices of Jacksons (the contractors for the work between junction 31-32).
The No Widening M1 group has new posters and leaflets to distribute. Please get in touch if you can help.
Wind Farms
A number of group members sent letters to The Highland Council in Scotland supporting a 22 turbine wind farm which, if built would generate 66MW of electricity.
Maureen looked into the wind power project at Penistone which hopes to build 3 turbines. The Campaign to Protect Rural England says the case for renewable energy outweighs objections over the appearance of the scheme on the moors above Penistone. The scheme was given the green light earlier this year and is now waiting clearance by the government.
Sheffield Is My Planet
Whilst Al Gore’s was giving his speech to invited guests, Shaun attended the Sheffield Is My Planet – The Exhibition at the City Hall. The BBC TV weather presenter, Paul Hudson, made the official opening speech. During the day there were over 50 stalls to look at from car clubs, recycling companies, heat pump manufactures and many more.
Carbon Dioxide
A letter was published in the Sheffield Star suggesting that carbon dioxide couldn’t reach the atmosphere as balloons fall to the ground. We sent a follow up letter correcting the science and explaining how carbon dioxide actually gets into the atmosphere.
Maureen responded to a letter from a student inquiring about biomass boilers in the Burngreave area.
Car Club
In previous newsletters we mentioned that Sheffield was planning to setup a car club. Well it actually happened on the 3rd April with an official launch outside the Town Hall. The WhizzGo Car Club is now open for membership applications.
World AIDS Day
Four people from the group attended a vegetarian buffet at an annual World AIDS Day meal at the Blue Moon cafe (next to the Cathedral) on 2 December.
Our membership has started to increase slightly since offering free membership. We now have over 70 people signed up to our email discussion address and a reasonable number of people wanting just the newsletter. In total we are probably distributing the newsletter to about 100 people.
If you know of someone wanting to receive our newsletter and a monthly update then please let us know. If anyone wants to be included on the mailing list to receive more detailed information about the group (about 2/3 emails per week) then please let Shaun know.
Sheffield Green Drinks
Since the re-launch in January Sheffield Green Drinks has been growing at a steady rate. Each month over 30 people from all walks of the Green movement in Sheffield have met for friendly chat and discussion – activists, entrepreneurs, academics and students. If you haven’t made it down this year it would be great to see you. Visit the website at,uk for dates of future events to put in your diary.