News in Brief - Spring 2003

Sheffield FoE produced an article on Zero Waste for the Sheffield Star which was published on 29th May.  See above. We also organised the Working Together Working Towards Zero Waste Public Meeting held on 19th May. See the article on page 2-3 for more details or visit our web site for the full minutes.

Maureen has been very busy commenting on the Yorkshire and Humber Waste Strategy in addition to the Sheffield First Draft Environment Strategy. She has also updated us about the Door Step Recycling Bill and has written a letter to councillors about the incinerator and Mechanical Biological Treatment. On Wednesday 2nd April Maureen Edwards gave a talk on Waste and Recycling to Sheffield University 'People and Planets' group. There were between 20-30 people there.

Shaun has been working on the campaigns to stop Asda building a new supermarket on Sheffield Wednesday’s training ground. He has also been involved with the campaign to stop Tesco building a supermarket in Hillsborough.  Sheffield FoE organised a meeting on Monday 16th June for local people fighting the Asda and Tesco supermarket developments in Hillsborough. Tim Sanders from Regional FoE attended the meeting with national FoE Real Food campaigner, Sandra Bell. Another meeting has been organised to fight these developments.

Just before going to press we were informed that Tesco have decided to withdraw their planning application.

More information and campaign details have been included on our web site.