Draft Transport Policy
Sheffield City Council has produced a draft transport policy that aims to help everyone to travel around the city more easily and safely whatever their means of travel. It includes separate plans for walking, cycling and motorcycling. These drafts do not include a lot of detail but present the main elements of future plans. There is little acknowledgement of the environmental issues and it is not explicit how people will be tempted out of their cars. Responses from the public are being sought - the deadline is 16 September. A copy of the walking, cycling and motorcycling strategies is available from Liddy Tel 267 0508
There is also a consultation on an integrated strategy for the "S10 corridor" – the transport routes out to the west of the city. The biggest public concerns voiced so far appear to be about car parking and buses. Cycling is central to the project and the city council have stated that they want to make cycling within the area a more attractive form of transport.
European Car Free Day
For European Car Free Day and European Mobility Week there are a number of press articles and events planned. The Healthy City team are interviewing a wide range of cycle commuters for a Star article. Volunteers are also running a "Commuter Challenge".
Local Cycle Map
Sheffield University have recently updated their cycle map of Sheffield. This map was first produced jointly by the University and Sheffield City Council in 2001. It shows cycle lanes and preferred routes for cyclists. You can download the map from http://www.shef.ac.uk/cycle_forum/ or contact the City Council.