Parkwood Landfill Campaign Autumn 2002

Parkwood landfill site is situated in a residential area of North Sheffield. It is licensed to accept mixed domestic and industrial waste, including special or hazardous waste. This includes cyanide, arsenic, asbestos, heavy metals, dioxins and vinyl chloride. A recent audit by the Environment Agency documented a catalogue of toxic spillage’s and safety hazards at the site. A cross party working group is currently preparing a report for Sheffield City Council which should be published in September 2002.

Friends of the Earth oppose landfill sites for the following reasons:

  • Landfill sites encourage the "throw-away society" and waste of the earth’s resources 
  • Landfill sites can cause serious pollution of rivers, streams and groundwaters 
  • Landfill sites generate gases, particularly methane, which is an important greenhouse gas, contributing to climate change 
  • The options for waste disposal have been ordered to form a "hierarchy of waste" – landfill is the worst option. We should be reducing, reusing and recycling our waste 
  • Landfill creates nuisances and risks for the local environment- health risks, traffic, pests, noise, litter and smells 

The recent campaign against the Bernard Road incinerator has focussed attention onto Parkwood Landfill Site. The problems of landfill are sometimes used to justify incineration as being the lesser of two evils. However, the process of incineration produces toxic fly ash that has to be dumped in landfill sites, including Parkwood. So incineration cannot provide an alternative to landfill.

Only reducing, reusing and recycling our waste can reduce the need for landfill. Sheffield currently recycles 5% of it’s waste – a pathetic amount compared to countries like Switzerland where over 50% is recycled.
Sheffield Friends of the Earth support the Parkwood Landfill Action Group in their aims to-

  • Close Parkwood Landfill 
  • Remove planning permission for landfill at Parkwood 
  • Ensure the land is made safe and developed for the benefit of the local community 

For more information, check the Parkwood Landfill Action Group web site-