Email Groups

Friends of the Earth have set up an electronic campaign network that allows members to send emails to all other registered users. We have found this system very useful for sharing ideas, planning campaigns and it has helped when we’ve needed to mobilise people at short notice.

If other local FoE members would like to join this mailing list then please send your email address to shaun rumbelow stating that you want to be added to the CAMPAIGNERS’ NETWORK. Currently, group members receive approximately 2-3 emails per week and maybe 7-8 during a busy campaigning week.

If you are not interested in receiving emails regarding campaigns and ideas then you may be interested in our other email distribution list. This will be used for updating people about new dairy events and special/urgent information that would be impossible to distribute using the newsletter. We anticipate about one or two emails being sent every month. If you would like to sign up for this then send an email to shaun stating that you want to be added to the UPDATES NETWORK.

If you require further information about this email systems then please contact Shaun.