Group News: Dec 1997 - Apr 1998

Newsletter Articles
�If members of Sheffield Friends of the Earth or other local environmental groups have any articles which might be of interest to our readers please give Shaun a ring. Articles of any size are welcome especially in electronic format. Alternatively, any one interested in drawing pictures for the newsletter should contact Shaun.

�The main problem with producing the diary is that many more events will spring up  in the coming weeks. To inform everyone of the new events would be very costly and difficult to administer. However, for people with e-mail we are thinking about sending out regular updates regarding new events and how you can help with days of action that are called at short notice. To be put on our mailing list send your e-mail details to:

�FoE Social Event
Tuesday 24 February 1998 Edale Rambler Folk Train - The Pat Walker Band - come along for a great night out.

We join one of these monthly trips for music on the train and at the Rambler Inn, where there will also be food and liquid refreshment available. Tickets cost £4 and should be bought from Sheffield Station on the day. The train departs from Sheffield at 7.18pm and stops at Dore, Grindleford, Hathersage, Bamford and Hope en route. The return train leaves Edale at 9.25pm and arrives back in Sheffield at 9.56pm. For more details of this and other events using the Hope Valley trains ring the Hope Valley Community Rail Partnership on 01663 746377

It's very easy. To start you give up one hour of your time to stand on a street corner at Broomhill, minding your own business. Every three or four minutes, a complete stranger will come up to you, and give you some change (often a 50p or £1 coin). They will enjoy doing this. You can tell this from the way they smile as they put the money in the collecting tin. All you need do, is smile back, say thank you - and everyone is happy. It's that easy. Furthermore, as a extra benefit, the local group raises funds to enable more effective campaigning in the coming months.

So, if you want to brighten up someone's day, see if you can spare an hour on Saturday 13 December (between 10am and 3pm). If you can, or would like any more information, give Paul a call on 220 4868

�Take Action
�Featured in this edition of the Newsletter are the following actions you can take. Please help us by taking at least one simple action.

  • Write to the BRF, the AA or the RAC.
  • Write to your MP about traffic reduction.
  • Write to your supermarket about food.
  • Send details to us of local free papers.
  • Join FoE’s Climate On-line campaign. Visit the web site at for more information.
  • Send us details of your e-mail address so we can contact you.
  • Contact Liz on 258 1695 to help with National No Shop Day.

Press Releases
To help us spread the message about our campaigns we need to send press releases to as many local  newspapers as possible. If you can, please send us details of free titles such as the phone number, address and the names of the editor/environment correspondents. Distribution figures would also be interesting if this information is given. Send any details to our Division Street address.

Recycling Meeting
The Green Party are asking people to attend a meeting on Wednesday 3 December to discuss recycling, waste reduction and all the other issues associated with waste.  Tim Sharpe from Sheffield City Council is apparently attending the meeting. The venue is Sheffield Centre for Co-ordination for Action on Employment which is based  on West Street. The meeting starts at 7.30pm and will continue until 9pm. For more information phone 276 1476.

�A Look Back at Sheffield FoE 
�Sheffield Friends of the Earth has been going for at least 21 years, among the archives we have newsletters going back to 1976 and we thought it would be interesting to see what the group was up to in 1977, twenty years ago.

Contributing money made from paper collections for the costs of national Friends of the Earth at the Windscale* Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Public Enquiry. *that's Sellafield for those of you too young to remember the name change.

Running a cycle campaign as this was before Pedal Pushers became an independent campaign group in it's own right.

Commenting on the South Yorkshire County Structure Plan (there was a South Yorkshire County Council in those days), and the Sheffield City Centre District Plan.

Running a Resources Campaign, the afore mentioned waste paper collections, which generated considerable sums of money for group funds.

They also collected glass and campaigned for returnable bottles.

I would like to have included a section on what the group were up to 10 years ago, however our newsletter archive has some gaps in it. Are there any long-standing members who might be able to fill the gaps? if so please contact me (Rebecca) on 265 1453.


All general meetings and the AGM will unless otherwise stated, will be held at 8pm in the upstairs meeting room at the Red Deer pub, 18 Pitt Street. This is near to the university off West Street (between Mappin Street and Regent street).  Phone a co-ordinator for more details.

Transport meetings are usually held at the Tap & Spile at 8pm. This is on the corner of Lady’s bridge and the Sheffield markets. Please check with a transport campaigner before making a journey.

Food News

  • In January 1994 Turkish oranges were refused entry due to high levels of 20 different pesticide residues and over half the UK carrot crop receives three Organophosphate treatments a year. Many other fruits and vegetables such as apples and cauliflowers  are sprayed with lots of different pesticides. Strawberries are also fumigated with ozone destroying chemicals. 
  • Milk from intensive farms may contain blood and puss from the cow.
  • Spanish Scientists have found that the lacquers used to coat some tin cans can allow an oestrogenic chemical to leak in to certain vegetables such as peas, beans, mixed vegetables and mushrooms. Rats exposed to oestrogenic chemicals have shown reduced fertility and testicular damage.