Money Matters - CORRECTION!
Too late, I noticed an error in the final accounts for 1990-91 - in the 'income and Expenditure" account. The item "Excess of income over expenditure" is shown in the "Income" column when it should appear in the "Expenditure" column. Also, on the "Expenditure" side there is a small error in the item "General Purchases". Below is the corrected version.
My apologies.
Reg Martin
Final Accounts 1990-91
(correction from those printed in the Report)
General Sales 2979.43
Waste Paper Sales 420.00
Subscriptions 266.50
Talks 87.65
Miscelianeous 2169.30
Office rent/room hire 1446.52
General Purchases 2243.23
Postage and phone 280.84
Garage rent 238.00
Miscellaneous 1502.90
Excess of income
over expenditure 211.39
[Note. I would like to reassure members we do not bank with BCCI - Ed.]