Tropical Rainforest Campaign Summer 1991

Sheffield's Good Wood News Guide is here!
The Tropical Rainforest Group has recently completed a short basic guide highlighting what to look for and what to avoid when shopping for timber products. The guide also contains a list of some firms in the Sheffield area that supply products made from non-endangered woods.It is hoped that once the guide is in circulation, more suppliers will come forward for inclusion.

We would also like to obtain sponsorship to produce a more comprehensive and eye catching guide in the near future. However, if you would like a copy of the Sheffield Good Wood Guide now, please send requests with an s.a.e. to the FoE office.

Council says No to the use of Topical Hardwoods 
Sheffield City Council has recently joined the ranks of some 80 councils nationally with a policy of not purchasing tropical hardwoods for items or work funded by the City Council" This very welcome new policy was passed at the 7th. May meeting of the City Council's Environment Panel.

Sheffield FoE has been lobbying for some years for the City Council to adopt such a policy. New pressure was applied through the recently formed Environment Forum, and this move was the first City Council policy change to be effected via this route. For further information about the Sheffield FoE Tropical Rainforest Group, please contact Angela Dignan, Tel. 556495.