Pollution Group
Most of the campaigning during this Spring has been spent, fighting the Auld enemy - the car! Our current
aim is to try and reduce car emissions locally by helping and encouraging Sheffield's larger businesses
to get their employees involved in car-sharing schemes. We are currently awaiting the replies to our
initial consultations.
Further activity has been hindered by Trev's travels in East Africa throughout May, and Deb's conclusion to
her studies at the University. Debbie has now actually got a job (shock, horror) lecturing in law at Liverpool
Polytechnic - so the active members of the group have been halved. Congratulations Deb, although your contribution will be sorely missed.
As a lesult of Deb's leaving, rather than fold the group, negctiations are under way with Liz Beth and the Transport sub-group to amalgamate (N.B. this is not a hostile take-over!) Watch this space!
Both Deb and Trevor have been active in the Pollution working party of the Sheffield Envrironment Forum. This group hopes to be effective in its own right as well as advising the Council. The working party is particully interested in making progress against air pollution locally.
We have also been invited to attend a consultation with the Council with regard to the Unitary Development Plan, which is a huge step in the right direction. The Council have proposed radical changes in City transportation, and it's great to be involved in the planning.
Incidentally, we note with reserved optimism the Government's decision to take a coordinated Environmental Protectircn Agency - similar to that in the U.S.A., but, as usual, years later. Watch out for developments.
Finally, just a word to remind you that our splinter group - "Pedal Pushers", the Sheffield Cycle Campaign - have just celebrated their first year, and are going well.
Trevor Mayne