
Monthly Meetings
Sheffield Friends of the Earth's meetings usually take place on the 3rd Monday of each month from 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm. At the moment we are only meeting on-line via Zoom. Please sign up to our mailing list for the latest news and how to meet up on-line. You can also find us on social media too. If you'd like to contact us then see the contacts section.

More Details
We usually spend the meeting talking about the latest issues and planning campaigns. We sometimes invite representative of other groups or campaigns to come along and tell us what they're up to. Everyone is welcome, no matter what your occupation is, or what time you have. Whether you're working, unemployed, retired or a student, your skills and enthusiasm can help make Sheffield Friends of the Earth more effective.

If you would like more information then please contact our group co-ordinator (see contacts tab). If you'd like to have a chat then get in touch by email and we'll arrange a mutually convenient time. Also see our FAQ section below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does it cost anything to attend meetings?
No, being a member of Sheffield Friends of the Earth is free and our meetings are also free. 

What happens if I can't make the start time or I can't stay until the end?
You'll miss some of the meeting, but that's fine. Just come along when you can and leave when you need to.

I'm not an environmental expert. Is this group for me?
Yes. The group is made up of people from all walks of life including people who are working, unemployed, retired and students. It is this diversity that makes the group a success. Everyone has skills they can contribute to the group. For example, we need people to write newsletter articles, design artwork for our flyers, take photographs of our stunts and use people skills when running stalls.

What will I get out of coming to the group?
You'll get to meet new people, learn new skills, have fun and change the world!

What does Sheffield Friends of the Earth expect from me?
We are a voluntary group so it is entirely up to you how involved you get. Some members give up a few hours a year to help the group whilst others contribute more time.

Is all the campaigning done at the monthly meeting?
No, the monthly meeting is used to plan our campaigns and to feed back what we've been up to during the month. Volunteers do the campaigning outside of the meeting when it is convenient for them.

Are there any social events?
Yes, we occasionally organise trips to places like Garden Organic, Centre for Alternative Technology and we have held bowling competitions with other environmental groups.