About us

Many people today are concerned about environmental problems, from extinction of wildlife species to traffic congestion and air that's unfit to breathe. But these problems often seem too big to solve, leaving us powerless to act.

That's where Friends of the Earth local groups come in. We are made up of people from all walks of life who share a common concern for the state of the planet and a desire to do something about it.

In 250 communities around England, Wales and Northern Ireland we are a powerful force for environmental protection. By joining us in Sheffield you have the power to help change your world making it a healthier and safer place to live.

There are many different ways you can get involved from writing letters to helping out on stalls. There’s something for everyone regardless of the amount of time or expertise you have.

Please contact our co-ordinator to find out more (see the contacts tab) or please come to our next meeting (see meetings tab)

MPs talking to school student strikers Sept 2019

SE Sheffield General Election hustings November 2019

Build Back Better lobby meeting with Gill Furniss MP Dec 2020