Group News April 2013

Friends of the Earth New Campaigns
Friends of the Earth want your ideas on what its next big campaign should be.  The deadline for submission of ideas is Friday 31st May, and you can join the conversation here:,page2227.html

South Yorkshire Local Nature Partnership Workshop
Richard is to attend this on behalf of the group and he will feed back what happened at the next meeting. For more details see

Friends of the Earth's Get Together (Basecamp) will be from the 12th – 14th July at Hartington in Derbyshire.  For more information visit As many of the group will be attending this event, it has been decided not to book a stall at the Green Fair this year, which is on the 13th July.

Despite not being able to make the Green Fair, we have booked a stall for the Firth Park Festival which takes place on Saturday 29th June 11am - 4pm and it will cost us £25.

The Ecclesfield Gala will run on Sunday 1st September from 12 - 5pm. It will cost our group £30 for a stall. We will decide at the May meeting if we want to run a stall at Ecclesfield.

If you are able to help out on a stall then please contact us. You don't have to stay for the whole event - maybe just an hour. Besides helping Sheffield Friends of the Earth you'll have a good day out too.

Big Green Bike Ride
Friends of the Earth's Big Green Bike Ride takes place from the 27th to 28th April. The route runs from London to the New Forest. You have until 18th April to register. To find out more go to:

Any Other Business
It was mentioned that 38 degrees have an action regarding the carbon floor price. An important vote in the EU parliament could put UK companies on a more level playing field with European operations but is being voted against by Tory MEPs

Beatrice has taken charge of the new FoE Safeguarding Policy.

A community garden has been opened in Walkley.  See for more details.

Please contact Trisha if you are interested in taking part in a litter pick: