Transport Campaigns in 2004

Transport looks like being a big issue for Sheffield Friends of the Earth in 2004. There are a number of forthcoming developments in local and national transport policy. This gives us a chance to campaign and make a difference.

“Way to go” is a joint campaign being developed by Friends of the Earth, Transport 2000 and CPRE to influence the Governments 10 year transport plan. We want to make sure that transport policy reflects the needs of local people and takes into account the effect of transport upon the local and global environment. The campaign will involve a number of activities, including email protests, letters and postcards, street stalls, meetings and actions. So everyone can get involved! If you want to find out more, either contact the National FoE organiser (0207 490 1555) or contact Sheffield FoE co-ordinator Steve Goodacre.

Following the Government’s 10 year transport plan, councils will be developing their local transport plans. This is another opportunity to make sure that transport planning reflects environmental priorities. Friends of the Earth, as part of their 2003-2008 strategic plan, will be developing the knowledge and skills of local groups to work with local people and local communities to influence their local transport plans.

Of course, another way of influencing local transport policy is through the ballot box. Boundary changes mean that in June 2004 all the seats on the City Council will be up for grabs. All the political parties will want to appear green, but will they produce policies to back this up, or will it just be “greenwash”? We will be looking to ensure that our prospective local councillors make environmental promises that we can hold them to.

Last, but definitely not least, is the issue of M1 widening. The Government’s recently announced road building programme includes plans to widen the M1 near Sheffield. This will have no significant effect upon M1 journey times, will increase congestion on surrounding roads, will increase the pollution suffered by people in the east end of Sheffield, and flies in the face of our commitment to reduce emissions of the gases that cause climate change. We are planning to join with other local groups to do all we can to oppose this latest piece of motorway-madness.

If you want to find out more about these campaigns, contact Steve Goodacre, (0114 267 0508).

Current Transport Campaigns
Maureen sent in comments for the Sheffield Air Quality Action Plan.

Rebecca gave a talk on Radio Sheffield about widening the M1 and explained why it is a foolish idea.

Liddy has attended the latest cycle forum meetings.