Group News: May-Aug 1998

Social Events
Several members enjoyed a night out on board a folk train with music and beer. More social events will undoubtedly be organised in the near future so watch out for details.

Web Page Campaigning
Work continues on our Internet web page which will feature newsletter articles, an up-to-date diary, contacts, links to other pages, colour pictures of Sheffield FoE taking part in days of action and all the latest campaign news.

No Smoking Meetings
It has been drawn to our attention that some people will only attend meetings if they are held in a smoke free environment. To clarify the current situation, all general and annual general meetings are held in the upstairs meeting room at the Red Deer pub which is hired by Sheffield FoE and is therefore smoke free. As  transport meetings are held upstairs in the Banker’s Draft pub we can’t guarantee that it will be free from smoke, but from our experience it tends to be mostly smoke free as there are few customers in on Monday nights. Smoke free areas are  provided in the pub but may be occupied.

Street Collections
Sheffield FoE will be holding a street collection in the Broomhill district between 10am - 2pm on  Saturday 30 May to raise money for the group. We find this method of fundraising to be very efficient as it brings in lots of money and costs us nothing. If you can spare an hour or two please phone Paul Hooper on  220 4868

Recycling Job
Several enthusiastic folk are wanted, with good, green habits and a burning desire to counteract the effects of rampant consumerism by forming a local salvage/recycling co-op. This local group especially needs someone with office/administration skills, unafraid of red tape; and someone to be responsible for transport.Whilst some private investment will be necessary, Lottery funding is  possible for this type of project. So if you want to earn a living doing something useful call Tom on 236 3305.